Ob-gyns are specialist doctors who have not only completed medical school, but also spent their residency in obstetrics and gynaecology. They are trained professionals who can assist you during pregnancy and when giving birth in the US. Usually, they also have a lot of experience with high-risk pregnancies and surgery.

You’ll want to find a doctor who makes you feel comfortable and provides exactly the care you need. Especially if you have a high-risk pregnancy, you should visit your ob-gyn frequently. It also makes sense to find out if your doctor is willing to perform epidurals, C-sections, and various delivery methods. If you have specific expectations of giving birth in the US, it is important to know that your ob-gyn supports your choices.

Different doctors work with different hospitals. Find out which hospital(s) your ob-gyn is affiliated with. When transferring to a new doctor, make sure to have all previous medical records transferred to your new doctor.




Prenatal yoga offers numerous benefits for both the body and mind during pregnancy:

Physical Strength and Flexibility: Prenatal yoga incorporates gentle stretching and strengthening exercises that help to improve flexibility and build muscle tone. This can be especially beneficial for pregnant individuals, as it helps to alleviate common discomforts such as back pain and muscle tension.
Improved Circulation: The gentle movements and poses in prenatal yoga help to improve blood circulation throughout the body, including to the uterus and placenta. Better circulation can promote the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the baby, as well as reduce swelling and the risk of varicose veins.
Reduced Stress and Anxiety: Pregnancy can be a stressful time, but prenatal yoga offers a safe and calming space for relaxation. Through deep breathing exercises and mindfulness techniques, expectant mothers can reduce stress hormones and promote feelings of calmness and well-being.
Better Sleep Quality: Many pregnant individuals struggle with sleep disturbances, but practicing prenatal yoga can help promote better sleep quality. The combination of gentle movement, relaxation techniques, and improved circulation can lead to deeper and more restful sleep.
Preparation for Labor and Birth: Prenatal yoga teaches expectant mothers valuable techniques for coping with the physical and emotional demands of labor and childbirth. Through breathing exercises, visualization, and pelvic floor strengthening, individuals can feel more confident and empowered as they approach childbirth.
Connection with Baby: Prenatal yoga provides an opportunity for pregnant individuals to connect with their baby on a deeper level. Through mindful movement and meditation, mothers can foster a sense of bonding and awareness with their growing baby.

Overall, prenatal yoga offers a holistic approach to pregnancy wellness, addressing both the physical and emotional needs of expectant mothers. By incorporating regular practice into their routine, pregnant individuals can experience increased strength, flexibility, and peace of mind throughout their pregnancy journey.