You Just found out that you are pregnant, yay! Now what?

Well you will automatically feel a thousand different emotions from shock, scared, happy, worried, anxious and excited. Then you will start doubting yourself on whether you can actually take on this big role of being a mom and even if you are ready for this big change in your life. It’s crazy how we want to get pregnant so bad and the minute we find out that we are, we second guess our ability to actually be a mom. 


1. Tell your Spouse

This is probably the most amazing news you will share with your husband your whole life, so make it special, make it memorable and fun. Maybe, buy him a shirt that says “daddy to be”, or place your positive pregnancy test in a gift bag and give it to him. Girl! there are no limits to your creativity.

2. Set up a doctor’s appointment

You may want to call your OBGYN to make an appointment and confirm that you are indeed pregnant. Your doctor will usually have you take a pregnancy test in their office, do a sonogram and even have blood test done to confirm your pregnancy. So this is very important! The faster you see your doctor the faster you will be on track to a healthy and safe pregnancy.

3. Stop your bad habits

Once you find out that you are pregnant, your bad habits has to go. They got to go right now! If you smoke or drink alcohol you need to stop doing it. If you need help to stop smoking, you can always speak to your doctor about it so he/she can help you find the help that you need. If you are using drugs, please stop and know that these things aren’t healthy for you or your baby. There are a number of health issues that your baby can be born with that are associated with using drugs, smoking and drinking alcohol while pregnant. So please, if you are doing any of these things, stop immediately. 

4. Start taking prenatal vitamins

This is the time to start searching and reading about prenatal vitamins. There are over the counter prenatal vitamins, so if you can’t go to a doctor right away, you can always buy it at any pharmacy near you. Prenatal vitamins are very important because it provides you with nutrition that you may be missing or not getting enough of. The prenatal vitamins, contains vitamins, minerals, iron and calcium that are very important for your baby’s developmental growth.

5. Download fun pregnancy apps

You can used the Baby Center’s App and downloaded it to your phone. You can also download the What to expect app which is basically the same thing. These pregnancy apps gives you a lot of information about your pregnancy and your baby by providing you with how many weeks you are, your baby’s height, weight, how your baby is developing and even what part of the body is forming! It truly is an awesome app to have while being pregnant, so download it today.

6.  Start eating healthier

You may want to cut down on those burgers and fries you probably eat every week. Start eating more fruits and vegetables, overall having a well balanced and nutritious diet will benefit you and your baby. Yes, you can enjoy junk food once in a while but do not make it a habit. It’s important for your baby’s growth and also it lowers the chances of you having gestational diabetes during your pregnancy.

7. Less caffeine 

Once you find out that you are pregnant you need to lower your daily caffeine intake, I know this may be hard if you are a caffeine lover but you have to do it. According to Baby center when drinking coffee or any drink that contains caffeine, the caffeine “crosses the placenta into the amniotic fluid and your baby’s bloodstream”. This causes the baby to be exposed to the effects of caffeine for a longer time than you are because your baby’s body is still developing, therefore can’t process the caffeine as fast as you can. Also, drinking more caffeine than recommend can cause your baby to be born smaller than it’s gestational age, which you do not want to happen.

Please note: Always consult with your doctor about how much caffeine you can drink daily. Did you know that caffeine can cause heartburn during pregnancy?

8. No heavy lifting

It is advisable not to lift heavy objects during pregnancy. This is because when you are bending down to lift something heavy, your movement puts pressure on your stomach. This can cause uncomfortableness and may cause serious problems, like bleeding. Always have precaution during your pregnancy and stay away from lifting heavy objects and bending down. Always ask for help and take care of yourself.

9.Take pictures

Last but certainly not least, TAKE PICTURES! Take a picture of your positive pregnancy test to have that memory forever in your heart, phone or keepsake. Also, take pictures of your growing belly by taking daily or monthly pictures and use the same background or clothing to make it more fun. Honestly just have fun with your pregnancy whether it’s your first or your 4th, being pregnant is such a beautiful time in a women’s life that you need to capture every special moment. So mama, use your imagination and start making memories.



How will I know when it is real labor?” This is a question you may have as you near the end of your pregnancy.

Many women have periods of “false” labor late in their pregnancy. During false labor, you have contractions that seem to come and go. False labor pains are called “Braxton Hicks” contractions. These contractions help soften and thin your cervix. They tend to happen more often as you get closer to your due date (2 to 4 weeks before birth). Sometimes it is hard to tell the difference between false labor and true labor.

Don’t be upset or embarrassed if you think labor is beginning when it is actually a false alarm. Knowing the differences between true and false labor can help you towards the end of your pregnancy Contractions;

False labor contractions are irregular,they do not get closer together overtime

True labor contractions come regularly and get closer together. Each contraction last about 30-60 seconds Change with movement

False labor contraction may stop if you slow down, change position or lie down

True Labor contractions continue no matter what you do strenght of contraction

False labor contractions are weak and do not get stronger

True Labor contraction get stronger as time goes on Pain

False labor contraction is usually felt in front like menstrual cramps

True labor pressure start from the back and moves to the front If your water breaks Sometimes labor begins when the bag of waters, or membranes, breaks. This may happen with your early contractions. Or your water may not break until later into your labor.

If your water breaks, you may notice a near constant trickle of fluid from the vagina or a sudden gush of fluid. 

Other physical changes You also may have physical changes that occur as your body gets ready for labor. It is normal to have a slight increase of thin, white discharge at the end of pregnancy. Activities like coughing, sneezing, or laughing may cause leaking of urine. You also may notice a change in appetite, nausea, diarrhea, or constipation. The loss of your mucus plug often precedes labor by a few days. Mucus may be present 2 to 14 days before true labor begins. Everyone experiences labor in a different way. Call your doctor if you think you are in labor.


The United state is considered to have a rich cultural heritage, people are very nice and friendly. It is very advanced in science & technology, healthcare, education, & economy.

Recently adding to the list of those who are going to the country are expectant mothers. In this article, we shall look at some of the questions you need to be answered in case you are planning to give birth in America.


You need to know if you can afford it.

Have a good idea of what the cost really is!

Decide what state you will be going to.( this could be dependent on your budget, or where you have close friends or family you can stay with. Both factors are equally important.

Get your visa along side with your doctor’s appointment.

Make your Accommodation plans.

Make your travel plans.

Travel early enough, you need to be in the country about 32weeks prior to your due date.

Ensure you secure your baby’s birth certificate and passport.


The cost of giving birth in America is dictated by many factors , includes your preferred city, type of delivery (vaginal or a caesarean section) and the number of children per single birth.

There are cities such as Chicago, Texas which are affordable in birth cost. However, these rates may vary depending on the number of children per a single delivery as well as the extent of complications [If any ].


You will always not be granted a visa to visit the US. However, you may always reapply, especially if the reason for the denial is not crime related.


The perfect stage to start applying for a US visa is when you are about 25 weeks pregnant. some airlines will not be comfortable carrying you if you are more than 32 weeks so make a wise choice depending on where to stand.


Maternity packge abroad